












1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,纳米格子二维窄带隙聚合物的设计及光伏性能研究(21504048),25万,2016.01-2018.12。负责人,在研。

2. 江苏省环境净化材料工程技术研究中心开放课题,稠环噻吩类二维窄带隙聚合物的设计及性能研究(KHK1415),3万元,2015.01-2016.12。负责人,在研。  

3. 南京邮电大学引进人才科研启动基金项目,稠环修饰苯并二呋喃二维窄带隙聚合物设计及光电性能研究(NY214180),5万元,2015.01-2017.12。负责人,在研。  


以第一作者在Progress in Polymer ScienceJournal of Materials Chemistry A等著名学术刊物上发表5篇,SCI 论文近 20 篇,他引200余次。参与撰写书的章节两部。  


[1]Linyi Bian, Enwei Zhu, Jian Tang, Weihua Tang, Fujun Zhang, Recent progress in the design of narrow bandgap conjugated polymers for high-efficiency organic solar cells, Prog. Polym. Sci., 2012, 37, 1292-1331.

[2]Linyi Bian, Jiefeng Hai, Enwei Zhu, Jiangsheng Yu, Yun Liu, Jie Zhou, Guidong Ge and Weihua Tang. Versatile strategy to direct access 4,8-functionalized benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b’]- difurans for organic electronics. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 1920–1924.

[3]Linyin Bian, Jingsheng Miao, Jiefeng Hai, Enwei Zhu, Jiangsheng Yu, Guidong Ge, Hongbin Wu, Weihua Tang, Benzotrithiophene polymers with tuneable bandgap for photovoltaic applications. RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 53939-53945.

[4]Linyi Bian, Dong Yang, Liangming Yin, Jian Zhang, Weihua Tang, Carbazole-substituted triphenylamine and diketopyrrolopyrrole alternating copolymer for photovoltaic cells. Macromol. Chem. Phy., 2013, 49, 2136-2143.

[5]Linyi Bian, Gang Sun, Yuxi Sun, Weihua Tang, Synthesis of sterically hindered antipyrines for intramolecular charge transfer facilitated sensing, J. Phys. Org. Chem., 2012, 25, 1112–1118.

[6] Fujun Zhang*, Weihua Tang*, Linyi Bian, Zheng Xu, Yongsheng Wang, Chapter 1:“Recent Development of Organic Solar Cells: Materials and Device Physics” for book“Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells And Solar Cells Performance”, ISBN 978-1-61209-633-9 (Editor: Michael R. Travino), Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2010, pp 1-40 (书稿)

[7] Enwei Zhu, Linyi Bian, Jiefeng Hai, Weihua Tang*, Fujun Zhang, Chapter 20:“Towards high-efficiency organic solar cells: polymers and devices development” for the Book “Solar Cells - New Aspects and Solutions”, ISBN 978-953-307-761-1, InTech-Open Access Publisher, 2011, pp 343-352 (书稿)